Naturally prompt your body’s intelligence to restore balance 

Grand Rapids, MI

Live Your Best

Begin your acupuncture journey and embrace the healthy life you deserve.

Welcome to Vida Acupuncture

Vida Acupuncture offers natural therapies to help you address your symptoms from the root. We are here to help you get results, listen to you, support you, and help guide you on your path to wellness.

Client Testimonials

Hear from our clients about their experiences at Vida Acupuncture.

What is Acupuncture and does it hurt?

The first question a person asks me about acupuncture is: Does it hurt? If you were to ask any of my patients, they would say “no”. My patients are surprised at how relaxed and calm they feel with an acupuncture treatment.

What does craving sweets have do to with my spleen?

One explanation is that we turn to sweets, a comfort food, in difficult times because they satisfy a psychological need. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also offers an explanation as each organ system has a color, an odor, and a flavor. The spleen system’s flavor is sweet. In TCM, the spleen, pancreas, and stomach comprise an essential aspect of the digestive system that receives food and transforms it into nutrients that our body needs.

Refresh, Renew, and Reset: Springtime is Detox Time!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each organ system is associated with a season. Springtime is the best time to treat the liver. Spring represents a time of newness, rebirth, and re-visioning and is a great time to refresh and rejuvenate your body. Spring is associated with the wood element which is about growth and expansion and with the liver organ which flourishes during this time. The color associated with the liver or wood element is green.

Find out what Chinese cupping therapy can do for you

Another one of my favorite treatments that I use at Vida Acupuncture is cupping therapy. Cupping consists of using plastic cups to suction the skin and improve blood circulation to the area. Common areas in which I do cupping are on the neck, shoulder, upper back, mid-back, lower back, chest, and abdomen.